
什么是你要做的第一件事当你需要新的marketing ideas? What about when you decide it’s time to change the way you keep the books finally? Or even notice a flat tire in the car?

My guess: you turn to Google.

But did you know that89% of B2B buyers81% of online shoppersdo the same?

Faced with a problem, challenge or even a choice, they google it. Simply.

And so, it’s a cold, harsh truth thatwithout at least some presence in Google, your business is unlikely to survive long.

In this guide, you’ll discover a strategy to build this presence —Search Engine Optimization (SEO.) → Download Now: SEO Starter Pack [Free Kit]


But before we begin, I want to reassure you of something.

So many resources make SEO complex. They scare readers with technical jargon, focus on advanced elements, and rarely explain anything beyond theory.

I promise you, this guide isn’t like that.


Keep on reading to understand SEO, or jump ahead to the section that interests you most.

When asked to explain what SEO is, I often choose to call it a strategy to ensure that when someone googles your product or service category, 他们查找您的网站。


In short, SEO drives two things —排名和visibility.


This is a process that search engines use to determine where to place a particular web page in SERPs.


This term describes how prominent a particular domain is in search engine results. With high visibility, your domain is prominent in SERPs. Lower search visibility occurs when a domain isn’t visible for many relevant search queries.

Both are responsible for delivering the main SEO objectives –交通和conversions.

There is one more reason why you should be using SEO.


In turn, it can ensure that your marketing strategies match the new buying behavior.

Because, as Googleadmitted themselves客户行为已经永远改变

Today, more people use search engines to find products or services than any other marketing channel.多18%的购物者choose Google over Amazon. 136% more prefer the search engine to other retail websites. AndB2B buyers conduct up to 12 searches, on average, before engaging with a brand.

What's more, they prefer going through the majority of the buying process on their own.

For example, in 最近的 survey fromHubSpot Research,我们发现有77%的人在与之互动之前先研究一个品牌。


Forrester revealedthat 60% of customers do not want any interaction with salespeople. Further, 68% prefer to research on their own. And 62% have developed their own criteria to select the right vendor.

What’s more, this process has never been more complicated.

forrester research criteria to choose right vendor

来源:Forrester Research

Finally, DemandGen’s 2017 B2B Buyer’s Survey found that61% of B2B买家通过广泛的网络搜索开始购买过程。相比之下,只有56%直接访问供应商的网站。

But how do they use search engines during the process?


Then, they evaluate available alternatives based on reviews or social media hype before inquiring with a company. But this happens after they’ve exhausted all information sources.

And so, the only chance for customers to notice and consider you is by showing up in their search results.

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How does Google know how to rank a page?

Search engines have a single goal only. They aim to provide users with the most relevant answers or information.


To deliver the right information to users, search engines analyze two factors:

  • 搜索查询与页面上的内容之间的相关性。搜索引擎通过主题或关键字等各种因素进行评估。
  • 权威,以网站在互联网上的知名度来衡量。Google假设页面或资源越受欢迎,它对读者的内容就越有价值。

And to analyze all this information they use complex equations called搜索算法

Search engines keep their algorithms secret. But over time, SEOs have identified some of the factors they consider when ranking a page. We refer to them as ranking factors, and they are the focus of an SEO strategy.


Three Core Components of a Strong SEO Strategy



For your website to rank, three things must happen:




Seem simple, doesn’t it? Certainly, nothing to worry about. After all, since you can visit your site without any problem, so should Google, right?


To a search engine, it’s nothing but text.

As a result, any elements it cannot render this way remain invisible to the search engine. And so, in spite of your website looking fine to you, Google might find its content inaccessible.

Let me show you an example. Here’s how a typical search engine sees one of our articles. It’sthis one, by the way, if you want to compare it with the original.

technical setup example search engine viewpoint


  • The page is just text. Although we carefully designed it, the only elements a search engine sees are text and links.
  • As a result, it cannot see an image on the page (note the element marked with an arrow.) It only recognizes its name. If that image contained an important keyword we’d want the page to rank for, it would be invisible to the search engine.


Website navigation and links

Search engines crawl sites just like you would. They follow links. Search engine crawlers land on a page and use links to find other content to analyze. But as you’ve seen above, they cannot see images. So, set the navigation and links as text-only.


Search engines don’t like reading lengthy strings of words with complex structure. So, if possible, keep your URLs short. Set them up to include as little beyond the main keyword for which you want to optimize the page, as possible.

Page speed

Search engines, use the load time — the time it takes for a user to be able to read the page — as an indicator of quality. Many website elements can affect it. Image size, for example. UseGoogle’s Page Speed Insights Toolfor suggestions how to improve your pages.


A dead link sends a visitor to a nonexistent page. A broken redirect points to a resource that might no longer be there. Both provide poor user experience but also, prevent search engines from indexing your content.

Sitemap and Robots.txt files




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2. Content

Every time you use a search engine, you’re looking forcontent— information on a particular issue or problem, for example.

True, this content might come in different formats. It could be text, like a blog post or a web page. But it could also be a video, product recommendation, and even a business listing.


And for SEO, it’s what helps gain greater search visibility.

这里是two reasons why:

  1. For one, content is what customers want when searching. Regardless of what they’re looking for, it’s content that provides it. And the more of it you publish, the higher your chance for greater search visibility.
  2. Also, search engines use content to determine how to rank a page. It’s the idea of relevance between a page and a person’s search query that we talked about earlier.

While crawling a page, they determine its topic. Analyzing elements like page length or its structure helps them assess its quality. Based on this information, search algorithms can match a person’s query with pages they consider the most relevant to it.


Keyword Research


However, that’s possible only if it ranks for the keywords those people would use when searching. Otherwise, there’s no chance they’d ever find you. And that’s even if your website appeared at the top of the search results.

That’s why SEO work starts with discovering what phrases potential buyers enter into search engines.

The process typically involves identifying terms and topics relevant to your business. Then, converting them into initial keywords. And finally, conducting extensive research to uncover related terms your audience would use.

We’ve published a thorough guide to初学者的关键字研究。It lays out the keyword research process in detail. Use it to identify search terms you should be targeting.

With a list of keywords at hand, the next step is to optimize your content. SEOs refer to this process as on-page optimization.


On-page optimization, also called on-page SEO, ensures that search engines a.) understand a page’s topic and keywords, and b.) can match it to relevant searches.


You may have heard about some of them — meta-tags like title or description are two most popular ones. But there are more. So, here’s a list of the most crucial on-page optimization actions to take.

Note: Since blog content prevails on most 网站,when speaking of those factors, I’ll focus on blog SEO — optimizing blog posts for relevant keywords. However, all this advice is equally valid for other page types too.

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First, ensure that Google understands what keywords you want this page to rank. To achieve that, make sure you include at least the main keyword in the following:

  • 帖子的标题:Ideally, place it as close to the start of the title. Google is known toput more value on words在标题开始时。
  • URL:页面的网址还应该包括柯yword. Ideally, including nothing else. Also, remove any停止文字
  • H1标签:In most content management systems, this tag displays the title of the page by default. However, make sure that your platform doesn’t use a different setting.
  • The first 100 words (or the first paragraph) of content:Finding the keyword at the start of your blog post will reassure Google that this is, in fact, the page’s topic.
  • Meta-title and meta-description tags:Search engines use these two code elements to display their listings. They display meta-title as the search listing’s title. Meta-description provides content for the little blurb below it. But above that, they use both to understand the page’s topic further.
  • 图像文件名和Alt标签:Remember how search engines see graphics on a page? They can only see their file names. So, make sure that at least one of the images contains the keyword in the file name.


Also, add语义关键字- 关键字的变化或同义词。Google和其他搜索引擎使用它们来更好地确定页面的相关性。

Let me illustrate this with a quick example. Let’s pretend that your main keyword is “Apple。” But do you mean the fruit or the tech giant behind the iPhone?

Now, imagine what happens when Google finds terms like sugar, orchard, or cider in the copy? The choice what queries to rank it for would immediately become obvious, right?

That’s what semantic keywords do. Add them to ensure that your page doesn’t start showing up for irrelevant searches.

b) Non-Keyword-Related On-Page Optimization Factors


  • External links:Linking out to other, relevant pages on the topic helps Google determine its topic further. Plus, it provides a good user experience. How? By positioning your content as a valuable resource.
  • Internal links:这些链接可以通过两种方式帮助您提高排名。第一,它们允许搜索引擎在网站上查找并爬网。两个,他们表明语义关系在各个页面之间,有助于确定其与搜索查询的相关性。通常,每个博客文章中应至少包括2-4个内部链接。
  • Content’s length:Long content typically ranks better。这是因为,如果做得很好,那么较长的博客文章将始终包含有关该主题的更详尽的信息。
  • Multimedia:Although not a requirement, multimedia elements like videos, diagrams, audio players can signal a page’s quality. It keeps readers on a page for longer. And in turn, it signals that they find the content valuable and worth perusing.

3. Links

从您到目前为止在本指南中阅读的内容来看,您知道没有两个因素的任何页面排名 - 相关性和权威。

In their quest to provide users with the most accurate answers, Google and other search engines prioritize pages they consider the most relevant to their queries but also, popular.

The first two areas — technical setup and content — focused on increasing relevancy (though I admit, some of their elements can also help highlight the authority.)


But before we talk more about how they work, here’s what SEOs mean when talking about links.


Links, also called backlinks, are references to your content on other websites. Every time another website mentions and points their readers to your content, you gain a backlink to your site.

For example, this article in Entrepreneur.com mentions our marketing statistics page. It also links to it allowing their readers to see other stats than the one quoted.





Low quality or suspicious links — for example, ones that Google would consider as built deliberately to make it consider a site as more authoritative — might reduce your rankings.

That’s why, when building links, SEOs focus not on building任何链接。他们旨在产生可能的最高质量参考。

Naturally, just like with the search algorithm, we don’t know what factors determine a link’s quality, specifically. However, over time, SEOs discovered some of them:

  1. 链接网站的受欢迎程度:搜索引擎认为权威的域中的任何链接自然都具有高质量。换句话说,来自指向它们的网站的链接,更好地工作。
  2. Topic relevance:Links from domains on a topic similar to yours will carry more authority than those from random websites.
  3. 信任一个领域:Just like with popularity, search engines also assess a website’s trust. Links from more trustworthy sites will always impact rankings better.


In SEO, we refer to the process of acquiring new backlinks aslink building。正如许多从业者承认的那样,这可能是一项具有挑战性的活动。

Link building, if you want to do it well, requires creativity, strategic thinking, and patience. To generate quality links, you need to come up with alink building strategy。那不是很小的壮举。

Remember, your links must pass various quality criteria. Plus, it can’t be obvious to search engines that you’ve built them deliberately.


  • 社论,有机链接:These backlinks come from websites that reference your content on their own.
  • 外展:在此策略中,您可以联系其他网站以获取链接。这可以在许多方面发生。您可以创建一个惊人的内容,并通过电子邮件将其告诉他们。反过来,如果他们觉得很有价值,他们将引用它。您还可以建议他们在哪里可以链接到它。
  • Guest posting:Guest posts are blog articles that you publish on third-party websites. In turn, those companies often allow including one or two links to your site in the content and author bio.
  • Profile links:Finally, many websites offer an opportunity to create a link. Online profiles are a good example. Often, when setting up such profile, you can also list your website there as well. Not all such links carry strong authority, but some might. And given the ease of creating them, they’re worth pursuing.
  • Competitive analysis:Finally, many SEOs regularly analyze their competitors’ backlinks to identify those they could recreate for their sites too.

Now, if you’re still here with me, then you’ve just discovered what’s responsible for your site’s success in search.

The next step, then, is figuring out whether your efforts are working.


Technical setup, content, and links are critical to getting a website into the search results. Monitoring your efforts helps improve your strategy further.

Measuring SEO success means tracking data about traffic, engagement, and links. And though, most companies develop their own sets of SEO KPIs (key performance indicators), here are the most common ones:

  • 有机交通增长
  • 关键字排名(分为品牌和非品牌术语)
  • Conversions from organic traffic
  • 页面上的平均时间和跳出率
  • Top landing pages attracting organic traffic
  • 索引页数
  • Links growth (including new and lost links)



And it’s well worth it.

97% of customersuse search engines to find local information. They look for vendor suggestions, and even specific business addresses. In fact,12% of customers每天寻找本地业务信息。

What’s more, they act on this information:75% of searchers搜索后24小时内访问当地商店或公司的场所。raybet电子竞技

But hold on, is local SEO different from what we’ve been talking all along?

Yes and no.

Search engines follow similar principles for both local and global rankings. But given that they position a site for specific, location-based results, they need to analyze some other ranking factors too.

Local search results look different too:

  • 他们仅出现在搜索与当地的意图(for example, “restaurant near me” or when a person clearly defined the location.)
  • 它们包含特定于相关位置的结果。
  • They concentrate on delivering specific information to users that they don’t need to go anywhere else to find.
  • They target smartphone users primarily as local searches occur more often on mobile devices.

For example, a local, the most prominent element of local results, includes almost all information a person would need to choose a business. For example, here are local results Google displays for the phrase “最好的波士顿的餐厅。

example google results page best restaurants in boston

Note that these results contain no links to any content. Instead, they include a list of restaurants in the area, a map to show their locations, and additional information about each:

  • Business name
  • Description
  • Image
  • Opening hours
  • Star Reviews
  • Address



Local Search Ranking Factors

When analyzing local websites, Google looks at the proximity to a searcher’s location. Withthe rise of local searches containing the phrase, “near me,” it’s only fair that Google will try to present the closest businesses first.

Keywords are essential for local SEO too. However, one additional element of on-page optimization is the presence of a company’s name, address, and phone number of a page. In local SEO, we refer to it as the NAP.

Again, it makes sense, as the search engine needs a way to assess the company’s location.

Google assesses authority in local search not just by links. Reviews and citations (references of a business’s address or a phone number online) highlight its authority too.

Finally, the information a business includes inGoogle My Business— the search engine’s platform for managing local business listings — plays a huge part in its rankings.


What is black hat SEO?

The final aspect of SEO I want to highlight to you is something I also hope you’ll never get tempted to use. I mean it.

Because, although it might have its lure, usingblack hat SEOtypically ends in a penalty from search listings.

Black hat practices aim at manipulating search engine algorithms using strategies against search engine guidelines. The most common black hat techniques include keyword stuffing, cloaking (hiding keywords in code so that users don’t see them, but search engines do,) and buying links.

So, why would someone use black hat SEO? For one, because, often, ranking a site following Google’s guidelines takes time. Long time, in fact.

黑帽stratocaster电吉他egies let you cut down the complexity of link building, for example. Keyword stuffing allows to rank one page for many keywords, without having to create more content assets.

But as said, getting caught often results in a site being completely wiped out from search listings.



This guide is just a starting point for discovering SEO. But there’s much more to learn.




Without actively positioning its content in search results, no business can survive long.



Click here to get everything you need to get your website ranking in search.

最初发布于2019年11月11日12:45:00 PM,更新于2月4日2021
