Growing businesses have to not only attract new customers but keep the ones they already have.

Rewards programs are great forcustomer retention因为他们让人们参与您的品牌。奖励的范围从礼物,折扣和积分范围内,它们可以通过与目标受众的情感联系来在客户体验中发挥重要作用。

Although some people see customer rewards as cheap promotional stunts or short-term trends, these programs have regularly proven their ability to generatecustomer loyalty。实际上,69%of consumers say their buying decisions are influenced by whether the company offers customer rewards.

如果您的公司不提raybet电子竞技供customer loyalty program您不必一次努力地将一个放在一起。实际上,有时最好慢慢介绍新的好处,以了解客户对他们的反应,然后随着时间的推移添加更多。这样,您可以围绕最受欢迎的奖励制定策略,并创建成功保留客户的忠诚度计划。

在这篇文章中,如果您没有正式的奖励计划,我们将说明如何提供客户奖励。您可以将这些技巧用作改进的起点客户保留策略at your business.



One of the biggest hurdles that businesses deal with when trying to reward customers is not having a loyalty program in the first place. But, that's okay!


实际上,not having a rewards program can offer a unique advantage where you can personalize rewards to the customer that's receiving it. This will make the reward feel more like a token of gratitude rather than an incentive that the customer has to work for over time. While a gamified loyalty program is certainly effective, it does take some of the feeling of appreciation out of the experience.

Take this rewards program for example.



Sure, sandwiches are $8 each but since we know the 10th is always free, they're really only about $7.30 each. In this case, earning points becomes something that's factored into the overall price of the experience.

Additionally, when you don't have a loyalty program, it alleviates a lot of worry about red tape and specific rules to follow. Is a wrap a sandwich? Should I get points for it? Well, instead of worrying about someone带你去法庭over your loyalty program, you can focus on giving customers something great to thank them for their business.

And, with this method, you can always choose the best reward that suits each customer. Maybe one appreciates some free tickets to a ball game while others are more concerned with knocking a few bucks off their order. Some people like freebies while others prefer exclusive access or special privileges.

It really depends on the customer but below are few ideas that should make just about anyone feel appreciated.



When providing a discount, the most important part is making sure the price reduction works for your margins while still creating value for the customer. You want to make sure you're taking enough off their next purchase so that they know you appreciate their business and aren't just trying to get them to come back into your stores. If you offer a tiny discount after years of loyalty, some may be insulted that you don't value their business more.

2. Send Your Customers a Gift.

虽然这是在holida特别大ys, you can send gifts at any time of the year. For example, if you're a restaurant, giving loyal customers a free dessert from time to time would work well. But, you can also give gifts outside what you sell, like some of the examples provided below.



According to Mark Reiser, the program manager atAwards2Go,,,,

“事实证明,只要它们有价值,相关和及时,客户礼物已被证明是提高客户忠诚度的一种吸引人的方式。”- 马克矿座


When you do send a gift, try to hand-deliver it. Not only does this demonstrate sincerity and appreciation, but it also allows you to collect a testimonial from the customer. For instance, take this example where a customer is receiving a personalized bottle of champagne fromSay It With Champers




People enjoy recognition, and giving it to customers is usually pretty easy and inexpensive. For instance, having a “customer of the month" is one way to show some appreciation, but you can also take a more personal route by sending personalized "thank you" cards, like the example below.



4. Collaborate With Another Business.

Cross-promotion can be an effective marketing tactic on its own, but you can建立你的奖励计划也是周围的。例如,一家运动服商店可以与当地的健身房合作,提供折扣会员资格。作为回报,健身房可以将其成员凭证送给运动服商店。这对这两家业务都是双赢的。


5. Invite Customers to Test New Products and Services.

Customers love to be included in the product development process because it lets them provide feedback about the products and services they buy. When you're thinking about launching a new product or service, or even if you're just coming up with a new pricing plan, invite your most trusted customers to try things out. Not only will this give them a sense of ownership in the final product, but you'll obtain valuable market research, too.


Similarly, just asking your customers for their opinion will make them feel appreciated. As valued stakeholders of your business, they'll give you informed opinions that can improve your products and services.

尝试向客户发送调查,询问他们对您的业务的想法。这可能是净启动子得分survey or a顾客满意度调查。无论您选择什么,收集客户的反馈都是向客户展示他们关心他们的意见并有兴趣为他们创造更好体验的好方法。

7. Host Company Events.


If event planning isn't your forte, you can sponsor local events and grab some VIP tickets to pass along to your customers. This happens all the time with trade shows as sponsored exhibitors will often get a handful of tickets to give out to their customers. This gives the brand the advertising value of sponsoring the event as well as an opportunity to inspire customer loyalty.



For example, you can reward customers who refer new leads to your business. Word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful forms of advertising, so you can encourage that by giving your customers a special discount or gift for each new person they send your way.

Customer loyalty isn't permanent, and to be fair, it's not always under your control. That's why it's important to constantly show customers that you care about their business, so you can develop a long-standing, trusting relationship with them. As the tips above demonstrate, you don't need a fancy rewards program to do this, you just need to identify your most loyal customers and find a smart, effective way to reward them.

如果您正在寻找一种数字保留方法,请学习如何创建ecommerce loyalty program

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