到现在为止,大多数营销人员了解修补的重要性销售与营销之间的传统裂痕。两支球队之间经常发现的不信任和误解可以像贵公司的增长率一样。raybet电子竞技实际上,在销售和营销团队之间保持良好对齐的组织在2010年实现了20%的年收入增长,,,,according to a study by the Aberdeen Group。相比之下,一致性差的公司的收入下降了4%

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专注于一个定义营销Qualified Lead(MQL)。这是营销和销售之间的关键交接点,因此团队必须就术语达成共识至关重要。每个公司对Mraybet电子竞技QL的定义都会有所不同,但是它应该反映出指示铅的特征和行动的结合既适合您的公司,又可以与销售人员进行交谈。这是检查您的漏斗以评估铅质量并确定潜在客户是否准备好进行销售随访的一种方法:

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Where a lead falls within the four quadrants of this matrix dictates the next step your marketing or sales team should take. For example:

  • Good Fit & Interested:Leads in the upper right quadrant are a good fit for your company and are highly engaged with your marketing. These are hot leads that require immediate follow-up from your sales team -- usually in fewer than 24 hours.
  • 适合但不太感兴趣:Leads in the upper left quadrant are a good fit for your company but don’t show a lot of interest yet. Perhaps they’ve only signed up for an email newsletter or downloaded one piece of educational content. These are leads that the marketing team needs to nurture.
  • 引起了很多兴趣,但不合适:右下角的潜在客户不一定适合您理想的客户资料,但与您的品牌高度互动。他们可能已经订阅了您的博客和电子邮件通讯,下载了您的电子书并参加了您的网络研讨会。raybetapp值得让销售代表对这些粉丝进行低成本的后续行动,以查看是否可以轻松地从非传统客户那里进行销售。有时,似乎不合适的潜在客户有充分的理由购买您的产品。他们还可以变成您的产品或服务的伟大传播者,从而为您提供作为非客户的间接支持。这就是为什么您无法自动化整个销售和marketing process。At some point, a good marketer or sales rep can spot an opportunity that your systems might overlook.
  • Little Interest & No Fit:左下象限的潜在客户并不适合您的公司,并且对您的营销内容没有太大的兴趣。raybet电子竞技他们绝对不值得销售代表的时间。不要害怕将它们带出您的沟通流。



MQL definitions in those two cases might look like this:

  1. 专注于合身:A contact with XYZ title or role who has filled out a landing page form and works at a financial services company in the U.S. with more than 5,000 employees.
  2. 关注兴趣水平:A contact with the ABC title or role who has requested a product demonstration from a sales rep and works at any U.S.-based company.

Whichever approach you chose, base your definitions on data -- not on gut instinct. Even experienced marketers and salespeople can be way off base in their assumptions about what makes a good lead.

Step 3: Implement Lead Scoring

Using a领先评分或领先分级计划这取决于您的数据closed-loop analysis可以帮助您确定不同活动的重要性。这是一个示例,说明您的铅得分可能对您来说是什么样子:

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Here's how to implement a lead scoring system:

Examine Behavioral History

Examine the activity history of recent customers and analyze how many actions they took before becoming a customer -- i.e., the number of page views or number of conversions, such as downloading a report or registering for a webinar, etc.

Identify Patterns

Look for patters that indicate a lead’s likelihood of closing. For example, if a lead that downloads ten pieces of content from your website or visits your site more than 15 times in one month, she is more likely to close. Consider incorporating frequency measures into your MQL definition.

List Activities



Using the close rates for individual actions, calculate the average close rate for all your marketing activities. Then look for actions that have a significantly higher close rate. For example, if your average close rate is around 1%, you might find a handful of actions that
have a 3%-5% close rate. Add these top-closing events to your definition of an MQL. Any lead that engages in at least one of these activities, and is a good fit for your company, would be considered an MQL. Use those close rates to decide what score to give different activities in your lead scoring or lead grading system.

Step 4: Optimize the Stages of Your Sales Funnel


您应该看这些指标每时每刻所以你可以评估你是否在任何o下滑ne area ... because you don't want to suffer a blip in your funnel. If your funnel develops a clog or hole somewhere along the way -- and it will, it's only natural -- you need to be able to identify it and fix it to保持销售和营销机器效率。而且,如果您使用多种不同类型的潜在客户,也应考虑每个线索的指标,这样您就知道某些细分市场对您的业务比其他细分更有价值(甚至更好,如果某些细分市场有更多潜力比您曾经意识到的)!

Image credit:Danxoneil




营销and Sales Alignment