As a sales leader, your ability to develop and retain your sales reps is important to your company’s bottom line and future success. Employee retention in the sales field continues to be an issue. In 2018,据报道,平均销售专业任期为1。5年,比2010年下降了一半。

此外,平均销售专业流失率为35%- 与所有行业的平均周转率相比,这是一个戏剧性的数字,仅13%。

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When your sales reps are building the skills they need to feel prepared and successful in their roles, they are more likely to report job satisfaction and feeling valued by their employer — factors that make them less likely to jump ship.





1。Helps predict future sales trends

销售量performance management tracking can provide valuable data enabling your organization to forecast future sales trends and employee compensation rates — particularly for commission-based compensation structures. For example, if a sales rep earns a 15% commission for each deal they close, and are projected to close $100,000 in sales for the quarter, then your finance team will anticipate an allocation of $15,000 in commission payroll for that rep.




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With structured performance management plans in place, your organization will have the framework to build a pipeline of sales reps with valuable skills who are effective and efficient at driving sales for your company. Having clear, visible goals and incentives builds well-rounded sales professionals.

4。Performance-based compensation

Organizations with sales performance management processes report more accurate compensation figures,节省3-5%的员工支付费用。Having a set performance management plan keeps compensation structure and overall business objectives aligned, resulting in a more motivated sales team.




To create an effective sales performance management process for your sales team, simplify your overall business objectives and make them relevant to the individual contributors on your team. On a macro level, you should already have a清楚了解哪些高级成功指标您的组织正在衡量。

绩效指标应衡量每个人的任务和活动与他们如何为整体业务目标服务。Here are some performance metrics to consider for your sales reps:

  • Individual Quota Attainment- The percentage of the sales target reached for each sales rep in a given month or sales period. This data can be helpful for benchmarking. If you find your entire team is having a hard time reaching their targets, the goal may be too aggressive. Conversely, if your entire team is hitting or surpassing quota without question, your goal may be too conservative.
  • Conversion Rate- 每个代表转换为付费客户的潜在客户百分比。例如,如果代表有100条主动线索,并且能够在销售期间将其中的20个转换为付费客户,则他们的个人转换率为20%。跟踪每个代表的这一指标(以及您的团队的平均值)可以提供有关潜在客户质量的宝贵数据,以及您的团队是否有资源来适当地培养他们进行销售。reybet雷竞技下载
  • 销售生产率指标- 销售生产力衡量您的代表能够达到其配额的速度。一般而言,较快的代表达到其生产率越高。要衡量销售生产率,请查看以下指标:
    • Percentage of total hours spent prospecting
    • Percentage of total hours spent on data entry
    • Percentage of closed-won deals (how many closed deals resulted in a sale over a specific sales period)





  • 这些目标对于确保我们达到团队的目标是必要的。透明
  • 我们将在本季度实施这个新结构,并且可以在此试验期之后根据您的反馈进行修订。透明
  • 这种绩效管理过程将使我们的团队与整个公司保持一致。raybet电子竞技透明




4。Provide performance feedback to reps on a regular basis

为了使您的销售绩效管理流程有效,应举行一致的绩效评论。Including performance reviews in your regular operating rhythm is important to monitor and track the success of your sales team. Awell-rounded performance review应包括以下内容:

  • 已评估员工的记录目标- Talk to your reps about how they performed in regard to the specific metrics outlined in their performance review plan. Goals could include hitting 70% of their quota for the quarter or having a higher average deal value than they had the year before.
  • 先前评论或项目的相关反馈- If your sales reps have implemented feedback from a previous review or have shown growth in a specific area, this information is important to include. For example, if your employee has developed their soft skills after receiving constructive feedback the year before, include that in their performance review as a win.
  • 有关员工成功的直接反馈- 您的员工的优势如何使他们的表现受益?提供示例来加强行为。例如,如果您的员工具有强大的项目管理技能,请记录这些技能如何使他们关闭新业务或通过实施项目支持销售团队的能力。
  • Constructive feedback for the employee’s opportunities for growth- What opportunities does your employee have for improvement? Provide examples of situations where they could have handled things differently and resources for achieving this growth. For example, if your employee is struggling with cold calling, provide tangible advice or hands-on training that can help them improve in this area.
  • 摘要或评级,概述员工的整体绩效- 提供总体评级或摘要声明。您的员工达到了期望吗?通常,它有助于按以下规模评估员工绩效:
    • 1 — Does not meet expectations
    • 2 - 需要改进
    • 3 - 满足期望
    • 4 - 超出期望

您可以使用this sales performance review template指导您完成整个过程。


Using sales performance management software automates tracking your sales team’s progress towards organizational goals and identifies processes promoting and/or inhibiting the effectiveness of your sales reps.

销售量performance management software automates and integrates sales processes with helpful data to improve performance and efficiency across the organization.

To implement sales performance management software, consider some of the following features in your search.

  • 销售激励薪酬管理- Tools to fairly and accurately pay your reps based on performance against their goals.
  • 业务目标和目标文件- A platform that allows you to clearly document and share business and individual objectives with the members of your team to improve performance.
  • 配额管理- 基于相关数据准确跟踪和预测未来配额目标。
  • 销售区域优化- The ability to support strategic territory mapping and efficiency.
  • 高级销售绩效分析- 清楚,准确地报告最重要的相关指标。
  • 销售游戏化- 一个可以将性能数据转换为推动销售代表参与度的游戏的界面 - 通常包括领导者董事会,顶级列表和其他识别机会等功能。



Xactly Sales Performance Management Dashboard


  • Price:Contact Xactly
  • About:Xactly seeks to automate and simplify the incentive compensation process for sales teams. They pride their software on being over 99% accurate for forecasting and performance management data.




  • Price:Contact Anaplan
  • About:Anaplan销售绩效管理的软件雷竞技苹果下载官方版lows sales organizations to develop robust go-to-market strategies, using their team’s performance to drive planning.

3。IBM SPM解决方案



  • Price:Contact IBM
  • About:IBM的销售绩效管理软件解决方案可帮助销售团队提高绩效和运营效率。雷竞技苹果下载官方版他们的专业领域包括薪酬计划和领土管理。

4。树液CallidusCloud Sales Performance Manager

SAP CallidusCloud销售绩效管理软件雷竞技苹果下载官方版


  • Price:联系SAP
  • About:树液CallidusCloud focuses on helping sales organizations reach peak productivity. With tools to facilitate employee coaching, KPI tracking, and sales rep assessments, your sales reps will feel supported and included every step of the way.




  • Price:联系Oracle
  • About:Oracle’s Sales Performance Management application highlights sales rep accountability, guiding reps through skill-building task lists and training modules. The tool also features a white space analysis feature, so sales teams can focus on accounts with the highest revenue potential to achieve revenue goals.




  • Price:联系Optymyze
  • About:Optymyze提供了一套解决方案,以帮助销售领导者和代表推动绩效。他们的产品包括综合薪酬管理,销售配额工具以保持代表参与,以及销售领土管理软件,以最大程度地发挥收入潜力。雷竞技苹果下载官方版

Proper implementation of a sales management process can drive efficiency and overall effectiveness for your sales organization.Check out the five important sales metrics every rep and manager should be tracking了解有关销售业绩的更多信息。



Originally published Oct 2, 2019 7:30:00 AM, updated October 02 2019

