It's always a tough call. Should you treat yourself to a real lunch break by getting out of the office, taking a true 30 to 60 minutes, and refusing to check your inbox? Or, should you quickly heat up leftovers from last night and shove it down as you continue to ferociously respond to emails?

Although you're allowed a break during your workday, it's stressful to actually take that time to relax. With a heavy workload, it can seem like precious time wasted.

This is where lunch-and-learns come into play.





2. Team-Building


Lunch-and-learns create an opportunity for employees to meet with one another face-to-face. This builds a stronger community within your service teams because reps are more familiar with their teammates. That connection will improve productivity and expose hiddendata silos在您的组织内部。


例如,我曾经在Hubspot参加午餐和学习,我们有机会吃三明治,并与联合创始人和CTO进行问答Dharmesh Shah。作为实习生,这是与高管建立联系的难以置信的机会 - 我通常无法拥有的机会,而且我可以在一个小时内拥有通常在办公桌上吃饭的一个小时。




午餐和学习计划的最有价值的用途之一就是交叉培训 - 当员工向各个部门的同事教授他们的日常责任时。该员工还可以教授新的特定工作技能。总体而言,通过允许所有员工了解每个团队的内部运作,这有助于在您的工作场所内形成更多的凝聚力。


2. Product Training

Lunch-and-learns can also be a great opportunity for educating employees on new products. Companies in most industries are constantly researching, testing, and innovating new ideas for products and services. Unless you're on one of the teams dedicated to building these products, you may find that you have no idea what your company is actually selling.

By educating the whole company on its products, you can feel confident that any employee could explain them to a customer or prospect. And, rather than forcing employees to look at the products on their own time or delve into an online training course -- which would likely not survive the average attention span -- you can have them learn in an open, friendly environment on their lunch breaks.


Sometimes, an employee has a particular skill that they'd love to share with their coworkers. Similar to TEDx Talks, these employee-led talks can be rooted in whatever they are passionate about: from leadership to best practices to positivity in the workplace.

Send out a form and allow employees to submit their own topics for consideration. Then, when the big day comes, they can take the stage. It's a lot more interesting to gain new information when it keeps coming from different sources, and your employees will love learning about new topics that aren't always directly related to your company and its products. In addition, it will help some of your employees refine their public speaking skills.

4. Recent or Upcoming Changes

When change is a-coming for your company, you may worry about how well it will stick in the minds of your staff. Rather than sending a lengthy, eye-glazing email that may be left unread, consider delivering this information in-person at a lunch-and-learn.


5.Diversity Conversations

无论您的组织走了多远,总有改进的余地。这种情绪比多样性和包容性更真实。多样性和包容性是一项持续的对话,公司永远无法真正实现。raybet电子竞技相反,这总是要为HubSpot自己的想法而努力,努力和注意的想法文化法规。It, too, is a work in progress, but that progress began through ideas shared between employees.

Occasionally hosting lunch-and-learns about diversity and inclusion can show your employees that you genuinely care about making your workplace a safe space. Rather than lecturing the room, allow the program to turn into an open discussion. Employees can enjoy their lunch and feel comfortable expressing their feelings on the matter in a way they might not have in a more formal setting.


It's difficult to balance a sedentary office job and a life of health and wellness. Unless you have standing desks, your employees might fall into a rut of lethargy in the workplace. Thus, it could be a good idea to cover health and wellness at your next lunch-and-learn.

提出了该ns for employees who want to lead a healthier day at the office -- both physically and mentally. You can educate on short five-minute meditations that can be done right at the desk, light在工作中锻炼或休息,以及避免每天购买不健康午餐的技巧。

Encourage your employees to split up their day with a workout or yoga session or work from home when they need a mental break from the office. You want your team to always feel comfortable taking the steps they need in order to maximize their physical and emotional health and be the best worker they can be.

7. Developing Leadership Skills

在大多数公司中,一线客户支持代表是入门级职位。员工可能会开始自己的职业作为支持代表,但渴望成为customer service managers。集中于发展领导能力的午餐和学习可以帮助这些员工实现其专业目标。

Most leadership events utilize a guest speaker who talks about experiences they've had in their career. The speaker can either come from within the company or an external resource. So long as their background and career path are relevant to your employees, guest speakers are a great tool for outlining essential leadership qualities.

8. Managing Time and Meeting Deadlines

Whether it's within their personal or professional lives, managing time and meeting deadlines is an important skill for employees to have. Being able to plan out a workday and achieve goals on-time helps to reduce stress and improve job security. And, when employees get their work done early, they have more time to develop professional skills.



Since your hosting this program as a lunchtime alternative, you never want to cover material that is harsh or serious. This is not the time for intensive trainings, triggering material, or firm talk-downs. Those should be scheduled privately and labeled as such.

Rather, this is a time to cover lighter topics that may not typically take priority in a busy employee's day. Lunch breaks are the perfect time for employees to learn new skills, get educated on company products and changes, and partake in open conversations. You want them to leave the lunch-and-learn feeling refreshed and excited to complete the second half of their day.


The best way to get your employees interested in attending lunch-and-learn programs is by having them select the topics they'd like to cover. After all, if the programs are on a voluntary basis, who is going to show up to events that seem boring to them?

Consider sending out a form to your entire team asking them to submit topics they'd like to cover. That way, you can come up with a range of potential programs. There are some that will need to cover important company updates, but others can run free based on interest. And, hopefully, employees will share their suggested events with friends, thus achieving an even larger audience.


As much as someone might enjoy the content of your lunch-and-learn, that's typically not what's going to entice them into coming. Unfortunately, there's little to which an employee will say no as long as it involves free food and beverages.

Of course, it's not always financially possible to provide a full lunch meal for an entire team of employees. However, even purchasing cheap snacks can be an incentive and can encourage more people to come. And, once they're there, they'll be hooked onto the conversation and will, hopefully, return in the future.






When setting a learning objective, don't overthink it. Keep it simple and clear for the entire audience. Remember that your employees are on break and aren't interested in diving too deep into a complicated issue.



最好的演讲者来自在你的公司。raybet电子竞技That's because these people understand the roadblocks that your team faces on a daily basis. They're familiar with all of the company's operations and they know how to motivate your employees.

7. Provide a post-event space.


If your event has a speaker, ask if they would spend time answering follow-up questions. Or, if it was a group event, leave resources and tools available for employees to conduct the lesson on their own. So long as employees are still meeting their daily goals, you should encourage them to continue developing their skills.




Overall, the point of a lunch-and-learn is, literally, to have lunch as a team and learn something new. So, don't get too bogged down in the details of planning the program. Simply, offer your employees the tools and space they need to do something both fun and productive during their lunch break.

To learn more, read aboutwork from home customer service jobs下一个。





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