kid-scientist-testing-260546-editedThese days, I spend a lot of my time on blog optimization. I'm constantly trying to figure out how we can fill the top of our funnel with more blog visitors, and how we convert more of those visitors into subscribers and leads.


这就是为什么测试是如此关键 - 它使您能够发现那些导致特殊增长的突破性战略和策略。


Luckily, there are a ton of tests you can run to optimize your blog for clicks and conversions. So, to help you get into the habit of always testing stuff on your own blog, here is a list of things you should try out for yourself. Remember -- what doesn't work for one blog, might work for you!

Note: Blogs are very variable by nature, oftentimes making it difficult to completely isolate the variables you're trying to test. While you should do your best to isolate your variables, keep in mind that your tests may not be perfectly scientific.

博客Publishing Optimization




建议测试方法:Increase (or decrease) your publishing frequency by a certain amount for 1-2 weeks. Then, isolate the number of views you received to those new posts and compare it to the views of the new posts you published during one of your typical 1-2 week time frames. Continue testing until you find your frequency sweet spot.


一天中的某些时候和一周的日子与更好的交通业绩相关联?你空间的出版帖子有多远 - 这会影响个人帖子的表现吗?

建议测试方法:测试出版各次。然后导出博客分析(例如HUBSPOT的页面报告), sort by time of day and day of week, and analyze trends you see in performance.


哪一个blog content types(e.g. text-only, SlideShare-based, infographics) and topics perform better for you? Knowing this, what's the ideal content balance? In other words, while SlideShare-based posts may perform best in terms of traffic, you probably can't只要发布幻灯片帖子。

建议测试方法:Test different content types and subjects on your blog, then analyze how those posts perform. Map blog content to your various content goals to determine what your ideal content balance is (e.g. X SlideShare posts per month for traffic, X posts per month about subject A to support campaign B, etc.).


你可以测试的东西to optimize the notification emails you send to blog subscribers ...

4) Email Subject Line


建议测试方法:在一段时间内测试通用主题行,直到您的测试具有足够大的样本大小,您的测试在统计上显着。(Learn what "statistically significant" means for marketers here。)然后,测试主题线匹配titles of the blog posts you're emailing about for the same number of emails. Compare the performance (in terms of clickthrough rate) of those emails.




6)电子邮件中的呼叫 - 行动(CTA)


建议测试方法:Compare the performance of subscriber emails that include CTAs with emails that do not, using the same sample size of emails. Look at the emails' clickthrough rates and referral traffic to your blog as well as the performance of the CTAs you used (HubSpot customers can useHubSpot's Calls-to-Action App为了这)。另外,请务必考虑您的目标:哪个更优先于您的团队:交通或转换率?考虑测试不同类型的CTA。


你可以测试的东西to optimize the calls-to-action on your blog ...

7) End-of-Post CTAs vs. End-of-Post Forms






建议测试方法:Add slide-in CTAs to a sample of old blog posts that still generate traffic. Wait a week or two, and then compare the visit-to-lead conversion rate of those posts to their visit-to-lead conversion rate prior to the addition of the slide-ins. HubSpot customers can also use HubSpot's Calls-to-Action App to look at the view-to-submission rates of slide-ins vs. standard end-of-post CTAs to compare performance.要了解如何在博客帖子中添加幻灯片,请查看本教程.



建议测试方法:Test a variety of CTA segmentation strategies (点击此处查看一些CTA分段思路) across various samples of blog posts to determine what works best for your audience. If you're a HubSpot customer, use the analytics available in the Calls-to-Action App to measure effectiveness.


How do design and copy choices impact the performance of your CTAs, both on individual blog posts and in the sidebar/top/bottom of your overall blog layout? What about the offers you're promoting on specific posts? Would other offers perform better?

建议测试方法:A / B测试变化CTA复制、设计和报价type on individual posts. If you have a tool (like HubSpot's Calls-to-Action App) that offers A/B testing functionality, this is even easier and more scientific. (了解如何在此处运行A / B测试。)


Can you increase conversions by including text-based, in-line CTAs within the copy of your blog articles, like the one you see pictured below? How does the placement of these text-based CTAs impact performance (i.e. are people more likely to click them if they're placed earlier or later in the post)? Does more direct copy work better than something subtler?

博客 - 线后CTA

建议测试方法:将in-Line CTA添加到仍然生成流量的旧帖子的采样(可能来自搜索)。让它们收集一两周或两个,然后计算这些帖子的访问引导转换率。将这些转换率与在添加幻灯片的CTA之前的帖子之前的转换率进行比较。Hubspot客户还可以使用呼叫 - 触发应用程序创建这些型号CTA(查看这篇文章以了解如何- 请参阅“Magic Copy”的部分,并引用该应用程序中收集的数据。




