

贝恩公司raybet电子竞技report on the service delivery gap发现他们调查的公司中有80%认为他们为客户提供了“卓越的体验”,但他们调查的客户表示只有8%公司的真正交付。

关注客户应该的核心ny company's initiatives, but even still, few companies actually hold themselves accountable for the experience they are delivering -- or they don't have a plan for improving their customer experience in the first place. Some don't even realize how far reality is from their own perceptions.

成为以客户为中心的公司面临的挑战并不容易克服 - 这就是为什么整个团队需要从头开始以客户为中raybet电子竞技心的原因。继续阅读以了解更多有关客户为中心的信息,以及公司如何实现它。


A customer-centric organization should be easy to recognize. It starts with this simple mindset: When you make a decision, any decision about the way you think about a product, the way you market a product, the way you sell a product or service, the conversation starts with an understanding of who it's for and what they need.

这意味着你开始通知perspective on who your customers are, and work backwards from there to help them achieve their goals, at all costs.

对于任何公司而言,这都应该是一个合乎逻辑的起点,但是在付诸实践时,这更具挑战性 - 尤其是在大型raybet电子竞技公司中,孤岛和分裂对客户的实际身份产生不同的看法。

And when that happens, companies might find themselves marketing to one persona, selling to another, and providing customer service to yet another.


  • 缺乏清晰度。Even though parts of their organizations strove to be customer-centric, employees lacked a shared understanding of the intended experience they were supposed to deliver.
  • Failure to get broad-based buy-in.一些公司未能改变文化,因为他们没有将以客户为中心嵌入组织的各个部分。
  • Loss of interest.Many companies embarked on a cultural transformation journey, only to lose focus before they've completed the job.

问题在于,客户体验跨越了整个组织,最终结果 - 体验 - 由更大的组织计划和最小的决策来定义。专注于客户不是一个项目,而是一种心态和在购买过程的每个阶段及其他阶段开展业务的方式。


1. Define a shared vocabulary and definition of who the customer is.

While many organizations had buyer personas, few used them at all or with consistency. Other organizations maintained separate or conflicting personas in different departments.


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2. Create a comprehensive view of customer experiences.

The customer journey is not defined by just the marketing team, and it's not linear. Companies need to at least attempt to map out the various different interactions a person has with that company both on the path to purchase and after becoming a customer -- and fixate on improving thecustomer experience

Identifying these points will help a brand or agency to understand where the experience is lackluster, what conversion paths need to be adjusted, and how to create an overall better experience.


Building a better experience means not only an understanding the company's customers' demographic information and behaviors, but also understanding what the customer's needs and motivations are -- this is at the core of creating a better experience. If you can anticipate the emotions or desires of customers, you can tailor the experience to address these needs in the most personal way possible.

4. Measure the customer experience.



Whatever metric a company uses tomeasure customer success- 做净启动子得分®,,,,客户满意度, 或者客户幸福得分 - 经常衡量,并在客户反馈中痴迷。将其纳入您的员工的薪酬和奖金软件包,并确保他们每个人都意识到这一点,并可以在改善客户体验中发挥作用。

5. Make executives and leadership accountable for customer experience.

If no one knows who is responsible for the experience, that likely means that no one is.

Because a customer's experience spans the breadth of various different departments, ultimately, leadership needs to be accountable for that experience. Otherwise, different departments will either ignore the customer experience or create their own, which may not be in line with the brand's goals, or the department that is in charge has no authority to make changes that impact another team's work. The leadership is also what determines priorities and budgets, and typically if an initiative can't secure a spot on the budget, it's not a priority. All these can hinder the spread of customer centricity in a company.

此外,客户体验必须是所有公司决策的一个因素 - 直到品牌使用的运输公司。raybet电子竞技从您做出的每个决定中构建回答这个问题 - 从您选择的供应商到发送给客户的电子邮件,以将服务中断通知他们。


Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

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Originally published Dec 20, 2017 8:00:00 AM, updated April 18 2018

