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Did you also know that these marketers are13x比不投资博客的营销人员更有可能看到积极的投资回报率?

Over the last decade or so, businesses have increased revenue, improved brand awareness, and boosted conversions with valuable written content published for their target audience and customers. The key here is that their blog content is有价值的— it isn't enough to simply have a blog; there has to be a purpose or reason for its existence.

So, how can you create and maintain a successful blog that provides your target audience worthwhile, high-quality content — all while building your business's reputation as an industry thought-leader and expert?

答案是blog marketing strategy

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在我们审查你的步骤r blog marketing strategy, let's take a look at how to start a successful blog. We'll also includeexamples of successful blog sites为了说明其中一些步骤。

1. Choose your blog topic and purpose.

The first part of developing your blogging strategy is to clearly define your blog's topic and purpose.

Your blog topic should be broad enough so you can write hundreds of articles about it but also specific enough to relate to your business niche and area(s) of expertise.

When thinking about your blog's目的,问自己:“为什么这个博客存在?”


If you need help defining your blog's purpose, take a moment to ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the greater purpose your company is trying to fulfill?
  • What story supports this purpose?
  • 谁为这个目的分享您的热情?
  • Is your team aligned with the meaning of this purpose?


HubSpot有四个博客属性:rayapp0 ,rayapp3 ,newbee赞助雷竞技 dota2雷竞技 。Each blog focuses on its respective industry and relates the content back to the appropriate HubSpot product.




This step is two-fold. First, let's talk about your blog's URL structure.

Adomain name, also known as the root domain, is the text in a URL that identifies your website — and, therefore, your business — for a web browser. For example, HubSpot's domain name isHubspot.com

Subdomainsare part of your root domain — they appear before the domain in your URL like this:www.emcdepot.com。“博客”是子域。子域有助于组织许多内容,包括多种内容类型。如果您有大型博客操作,则此结构可以随着时间的流逝而帮助您。但是,在短期内,它确实从您的根领域中传递了较少的权威。

Subdirectoriesare divisions of your domain that live on your website, but represent specific pages on your website. For example, a subdirectory that'd take visitors to a specific blog post on a website would look something like this:hubspot.com/blog/article-name。子目录通常从您的根领域和子域中传递更多权威。但是,由于您需要更多的子目录来正确组织您的内容并保护您的用户体验(UX),因此它们可能会很难扩展您的内容策略。

Subdirectories can also represent certain types of content within a subdomain. For example,www.emcdepot.com/marketing/article-name带游客去marketingarticle on www.emcdepot.com.



例如,HubSpot用户可以使用HubSpot CMS和access their website creation and management tools alongside their blogging tools — all from a central location.

Another common way to host your business's blog is throughWordPress- 比较HubSpot与WordPress这里。其他流行的选择包括Wix,Bluehost, 和Squarespace

3. Design your blog.

Design your blogin a way that entices your readers to regularly read (and hopefully, share) your content.



例如,HubSpot提供自由的paid blog templateoptions. Templates help you easily customize and编辑您的博客模板为您的业务量身定制它。

帮助侦察博的博客是一个很好的例子tiful blog design. Its minimalist design limits the use of copy and embraces negative space by promoting the latest posts with gorgeous feature images. The blog is aligned with the Help Scout brand and promotes readability and easy navigation.

beautiful blog design help scout


4. Decide who will write and manage your blog.

现在是时候think about who's writing, running, and managing your blog. Ask yourself (or your team): Who's accountable for each role within your blog strategy?

关于您的博客,有很多活动部件 - 如果您没有围绕每个组件创建所有权,那么很难从成功的博客操作中获得好处。

We've put together a list of some examples of the roles you need to fill to effectively implement a blogging strategy.

Depending on your resources and the size of your marketing team, you may find one person holds responsibility for multiple roles.

您还需要确定理想的博客文章的出版物。考虑使用blog post templates要构建帖子以与作家共享的大纲(或者如果您需要大纲)。

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5. Determine how frequently you’ll share blog posts.

How many blog posts can you commit to writing and publishing? How often are you planning on producing blog content for your audience?

Consistency is the key to keeping your audience engaged and interested. This will also allow you to maintain your status as an active thought-leader and expert in your industry. Use a内容日历to consistently manage and schedule your blog posts.

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The beauty of creating this type of blogging rhythm and sharing that information via aneditorial calendaris that it creates a sense of accountability among your team of bloggers. It ensures all writers and contributors have optimized for keywords, added CTAs, and edited their pieces by a certain time and date. This way, you'll have a consistent stream of content your readers can get in sync with.

如果你是Hubspot CRM用户,您已经受益于COS中的编辑日历。

6. Write compelling and valuable content.

It's important to reiterate just how critical it is for your blog content to be both compelling对您的读者很有价值。这在您的目标受众,客户,竞争对手和其他行业领导者的看法中发挥了很大的作用。这也是您将如何使读者参与并忠于您的博客,并希望也转换为客户。

Remember, it takes more time and energy to obtain new subscribers than to maintain current readers. Plus, your current readers have the potential of becoming your brand advocates faster than new subscribers do. So, focus on consistently producing content that captivates your audience all while providing them with useful and worthwhile information so they stick around for the long run.

Patagonia's blog,最干净的线,是一个引人入胜的出版物。这不是讨论巴塔哥尼亚产品或客户的通用品牌博客;它讲述了网络上一些最好的作家撰写的引人入胜的故事 - 但它仍然引起巴塔哥尼亚的目标受众和分享的人的共鸣它的核心价值。I've personally spent hours reading the articles on The Cleanest Line, and it's endeared me to Patagonia in the process.





That's great news — but to accomplish these goals, you'll need to include relevantcalls-to-action (CTAs)throughout your blog posts.

CTAs can be paid or free for your audience members. Either way, effective CTAs provide readers with a level of value that they simply cannot pass up.

A CTA might share in-depth content and information with your audience on a specific topic. Or maybe it includes a discount code or special deal on your product or service. A CTA could also provide further training related to the subject of your blog article.

Check out tthis blog postif you're looking for some examples of clickable CTAs to insert in your content.

If you're a HubSpot user, the CRM offers aCTA creation tool为了帮助您开发相关甚至个性化的提议,以吸引着陆页的流量并转换更多潜在客户。

For example, the无所不知的数字博客自然地将CTA编织到其帖子中,使链接的项目成为更广泛的故事或外卖的一部分。CTA的目标应该是鼓励读者采取行动而不会偏离帖子的目的。

屏幕截图2020-12-15,12.41.38 pm-1来源

CTAs can also appear as visuals in your blog posts. For these, it's best to create uniquely-designed CTAs for your publication. If you're not design-savvy, you can usethese free Call-to-Action Templatesfor your posts.

call to action templates



这是令人兴奋的部分 - 您终于可以分享您一直在努力开发的内容。将您的博客内容放在网站上的相应着陆页上,并将收件人的电子邮件列表发送给他们的博客文章。通过社交媒体分享它,并在您认为合适的情况下将其发送给网络成员。

9. Track and analyze your blog’s success.

Remember to track and analyze the success of your blog over time. To do this, decide which metrics matter most to you and your business. Once you understand how a specific metric contributes to a positive outcome, then you'll be able to make your blogging strategy more targeted. Examples ofblogging metrics您可能会跟踪包括:

  • 读者和订阅者的数量
  • Number of page views per post
  • 转化次数
  • Number of backlinks
  • Number of referrals
  • 总体流量

When applying these metrics to the goals you're looking to set, consider the following questions to provide concrete targets that make sense for your business.

  • Does this goal help you achieve your purpose, or is there something more relevant we can aspire to?
  • 这个目标是否与我们业务其他地区的计划保持一致?
  • 哪个指标追踪了朝着这个目标的进度?这些指标是互补的还是违反直觉的?

一旦您determine which metrics you're going to use, start by setting goals for a60-day period。This gives you enough time to see whether your strategy is working and then you can adapt your goals based on the results you see.




A blog marketing strategy is how you share and promote the content on your blog. Unfortunately, "build it and they will come" doesn't apply to blogging as well as it does in梦想之地

For your blog to do its intended job — drive traffic, convert visitors, increase revenue, and/or promote your brand as a thought-leader or expert — it must have a marketing strategy in itself. How will people locate your blog? What type of content will keep them reading? How can you use your other promotional channels to elevate your blog content?

Follow these博客最佳实践to promote and market your blog content to your target audience.

Always keep your buyer personas top of mind.

When writing, managing, and scheduling your blog — or working on anything related to your blog, really — keep your买方角色in mind.



一旦您创建您的买家角色, document a detailed description of who this person is so you can reference it has your business and blog grow. You should be able to refer to this description every time you write a new blog post.





It also tells you a little bit about what they're experimenting with and what you'll need to accomplish to stand out and provide your readers with valuable content they can't get anywhere else — something unique to your business and your business only.

Create a list of 5-10 of your closest competitors with blogs you could conduct a content audit on. Make conclusions about the type of content they share, unique techniques they've implemented in their blog, and how they're doing in terms of ranking for the keywords you hope to rank for.

然后,查找其内容中的空白,以便您可以利用它们。为了帮助您执行此操作,请使用类似的工具QuickSprout,Open Site Explorer by Moz, 和SEMRush Competitor Research

Perform SEO and keyword research.

When one of your customers searches a phrase on Google (or any search engine), you want them to findyourblog (or web page), not a competitor’s. To make this happen, dedicate some time to researching which keywords and phrases your target audience is typing into search engines so you can include them in your blog posts where they naturally fit.

换句话说,您将通过执行适当的搜索引擎优化(SEO)和keyword research prior to writing your blog post, and then incorporating those findings in your content.


Remember,Google的算法正在不断变化以变得更加直观 - 意思是旧策略,例如keyword stuffingwill hurt your ranking in the SERP. Instead, you're better off writing copy that engages audience members first and search engines second.

Note:HubSpot客户可以访问内置的关键字和SEO工具to help with this.

使用HubSpot CRM的内容策略工具专注于博客的SEO和关键字研究。

Decide where you'll distribute your blog content.

Strategically determine where you'll distribute your blog content. You chose ahost for your blog already,这意味着您的内容很可能很容易在您的网站上共享。

例如,如果您使用the HubSpot CRM andblogging softwareto host and manage your website and blog, it's simple to add your articles to their corresponding landing page on your site.

Other ways and platforms through which you might distribute your content include social media, such as Facebook or LinkedIn, and online publishing platforms, such asMedium。You might also work with industry leaders, experts, andinfluencers在他们的网站和社交资料上分享您的内容。

Promote your blog content.


There are many您可以用来推广博客的入站策略。我们谈到了一些选择多于,但是有效博客促销的另一种常见形式涉及influencer marketing strategy

Get started promoting your content with the help of a free influencer marketing guide.


As you begin making and managing your influencer connections, remain in regular contact with the ones who are promoting your blog content. Be sure you know what they're doing to support, share, and promote your blog content and that their tactics meet your business's standards — you want to ensure they're representing your brand accurately. After all, you're likely paying them to promote your content among their audience members.

You can make your relationship with your influencers even stronger by interacting with their content regularly to show your support. For example, if you're working with an influencer who also has a blog, then go to their blog and read, comment on, and share it (even when the content they're publishing isn't necessarily related to your business).

How to Maintain a Blog

创建和营销博客只是战斗的一半。如上所述,一致性是成功博客的关键 - 这意味着维护是大多数艰苦的工作。

Creating blog content can be time-consuming, especially when you aim to command authority in your niche with researched, thoughtful, and planned posts.

这就是为什么updating, repurposing, and republishingyour existing blog content is so valuable — it saves you time and energy but it also allows you to efficiently achieve the results you're looking for.

What do I mean by this? Well, ranking in the SERP with a net new post takes significantly more time (I'm talking months) than an updated post. Meaning, you'll see a positive impact sooner if you start repurposing existing posts rather than solely creating new content.

Audit your existing blog posts to determine what you canrepurpose and update。Outdated content to remove and/ or replace might include statistics, examples,信息图表, quotes, product or service details, research, and irrelevant ideas. You can also add keywords you've determined are missing through your research.

(Check outthis post如果您正在寻找有关如何有效地重新修复博客内容的更多想法。)

The process of updating content also allows you to reinvigorate the brand new content you've worked so hard on. Updating allows you to maintain the quality and relevance of your blog without having to recreate blog posts from scratch.


Growing an influential blog in your niche is a surefire way to nurture your potential customers. By creating regular content that solves the challenges of your readers and fulfills their biggest curiosities, you'll start to build a vault of trust and advocacy. This will inevitably contribute to the overall success of your business. Start with your purpose — the big为什么- 慢慢解开将通过我们上面评论的步骤和策略来促进您的博客营销绩效的单个杠杆。

Editor's note: This post was originally published in December 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

blog post templates

Originally published Jan 12, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated June 16 2021

