

一种landing pagecan be the designated page you’re taken to when you click on an ad. It can also be the page that follows a call-to-action button or serve as the homepage of a website.


What is a landing page?

一种landing page is a website page with a specific purpose — the objective of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads. While there are many着陆页的类型意图相同 - 获得更多潜在客户。



Now, think about how protective you are of your personal information. What would make a person want to give up their contact information over the internet?


Learn More About HubSpot's Free Landing Page Builder

首先,你为什么要需要a landing page?

Why would you create a special page just for people to fill out a form? Why not just use your homepage or about page? Great questions.

一种fter reading this article, you’ll likely be able to answer those questions yourself, but the short answer is this: A landing page eliminates distractions by removing navigation, competing links, and alternate options so you capture your visitor’s undivided attention. And complete attention means you can guide your visitor where you’d like them to go, i.e., to your lead form. In sum, landing pages are specificallydesigned to create conversions

Now that you understand their importance, let’s cover landing page best practices to make sure your pages are set up to convert.

Was that a lot? We’ll break down these landing page best practices below.


For every 10 people that visit your landing page, at leastsevenof them will反弹the page. To keep that number low, your visitors need to know (and understand) what’s in it for them within seconds of arriving. Your headline is the first thing they’ll read, and it should clearly and concisely communicate the value of your landing page and offer.


是的,图像是强制性的,它应该代表您的目标受众。图像的目的是传达一种感觉 - 它应该说明访客收到您的报价后的感觉。某些图像可能比其他图像更好,因此您应该始终将测试选择(我们将介绍)以下)。




如果您的潜在客户想立即转换,则需要容易访问您的潜在客户表格 - 您绝对不希望他们搜索和扫描着陆页来找到您的报价。“高于折叠”只是意味着访问者不必滚动即可到达表格 - 一旦有人击中页面,就可以看到它。这可能是指向表格的形式或锚链接。更好的是:设计您的表格以在用户向下移动页面时滚动。

5. Add a clear and standout call-to-action.

The call-to-action (CTA) is arguably the most important element on your landing page — it’s one of many elements that encourage conversion. The CTA button needs to stand out, meaning you should use a color that contrasts with other elements on the page. Be clear about what you want visitors to do, that is, use an action verb that spells it out for them, like “submit”, “download”, or “get it now”. More on CTA best practices以下


将您的登陆页面视为铅的最终要约之旅的一部分 - 即您的产品或服务。您的报价是您提供的东西以换取潜在客户的个人信息。不仅应该为您的访客提供足够的吸引力,可以提供他们的联系信息,而且还应该与您的业务相关。说你卖马蹄铁。

Your offer might be something like “10 Simple Ways to Size Your Horse’s Hooves,” because, ultimately, you’re going to ask that lead to buy your horseshoes. You wouldn’t hook them with an offer about organic farming because that puts them on a completely different path. We’ll talk more about how compelling offers以下



8. Remove all navigation.

Your landing page has one objective and one objective only: to convert visitors into leads. Any competing links — including internal links to other pages on your website — will distract from that goal. Remove any other links on your page to draw all of your visitors’ attention to your call-to-action.


Just like every other page on your website, your landing pages need to be responsive to accommodate every viewing experience. The last thing you need is for your form to fall out of view on mobile devices. Give your visitors every possible opportunity to convert, no matter how they’re viewing your page.

您可以使用工具来帮助实现这一目标。例如,HubSpot的拖放着陆页编辑器,可在Marketing Hub Starter, makes it easy for you to create mobile optimized landing pages and forms effortlessly.

10. Optimize for search.

当然,你会驾驶访客到你的着陆页age through email blasts, social posts and other marketing methods, but your page should also be optimized with target keywords for your paid campaigns and organic search. When someone searches for your key phrase, they should find your landing page. Similarly, when you target a keyword with paid ads, those words should exist on your landing page.


一种thank you page is where you send leads once they’ve completed your form. Now, you could just show a thank you message on the same page or抛弃完全谢谢你, but there are many reasons why that’s not the best option.


  • 它提供您承诺的要约(通常是以即时下载的形式)
  • It gives you an opportunity to interest your new lead in additional relevant content
  • It serves as a chance to thank them for their interest, which goes a long way in promoting them to a customer down the line.


Often times, design means creativity, colors, and pretty pictures. For the purpose of a landing page, we take design a step further to mean functional, direction-oriented, and effective. So, to craft a well-designed landing page, you’ll have to tap into both your right and left brain. But don’t get me wrong — you still need great imagery and attractive colors to convert your visitors. We’ll touch on how to incorporate all of this below.

Landing Page Structure

好消息是,您不需要raybetapp在这里变得太有创造力。大多数着陆页都遵循非常相似的结构,因为它已被证明可行。您可以通过品牌元素和图像来注入创造力,但要坚持landing page formatthat people are used to seeing.


  1. 标题that grabs the visitors attention
  2. 相关图像这与您的听众有关
  3. Lead formthat sits above the fold to capture visitors’ information
  4. CTA这是面向动作和引人注目的
  5. Copy and description告知并诱使您的访客填写您的表格




Landing Page Layout

This may come as a surprise, but most people don’t read every word of your cleverly-crafted copy. Instead, they skim through and pull out the most important tidbits. Your job is to make those tidbits stand out so your visitor doesn’t miss anything important.


  • 保持最多important information above the fold因此,您的访客无需滚动即可到达。
  • 执行blink test在您的页面上,这意味着访问者应该能够在较少的时间内收集主要消息,而不是眨眼,即少于五秒钟。
  • 利用white (or negative) spaceto keep your visitor engaged, focused, and to help them comprehend your message.
  • Write with bullets and short paragraphsto make your copy easy to digest.
  • 尝试将重要的副本纳入F-Pattern,这是大多数人在线扫描页面的方向。使用视觉图案的流动,以使人们到达将使他们转换的关键点。

Landing Page Colors

登录页面的设计(包括您使用的颜色)应反映网站的设计。您的目标是与访问您的着陆页的人们建立长期关系,这意味着他们需要熟悉您的品牌色彩和独特的风格。他们越认识您的品牌,他们越信任你(and the more they trust you, the easier it is to get them to do what you want them to do).

您应该考虑使用替代颜色的区域在您需要脱颖而出的页面元素上 -哎呀,您的CTA按钮。对比是游戏的名称。假设您的品牌颜色大部分是绿色的……您需要选择一种可以吸引用户注意的颜色,例如紫色。

想知道什么颜色表现良好?我们做了一些研究以确定which colors convert best


着陆页上的图片是第一届ings people see, and since people process visuals far quicker than they do text, it sets the tone for their entire experience. But how can you possibly choose between millions of stock photos and that company photo shoot that’s taking up all the space on your computer?

Let’s narrow down the selection with a few important questions:

Who is my target audience?

What does your persona look like? How old are they? How do they dress? What are they interested in? The answers to these questions are important in determining what image you’re going to place front and center on your landing page. If it’s going to appeal to your audience, then it needs to represent them in some way.



Will this image reinforce my message?


这是创建时还有其他重要的事情great landing page images

Call-to-Action (CTA)


  • Give your CTA a vibrant and contrasting color
  • 将您的CTA副本集中在给访客的利益上
  • Get to the point — try using no more than five words
  • Tell your visitor what you want them to do using action verbs, e.g. Get, Download, Click
  • 使您的按钮足够大,可以在页面上脱颖而出
  • 给它一些负空间 - 不要挤在CTA周围的区域
  • Follow the flow of the page and place your CTA where your readers’ eyes will go, such as to the right of or below the copy
  • Test your button shape, test your copy … as a matter of fact test everything (we’ll cover how to do this以下




More than half网站流量来自移动设备,因此,无论设备访问者使用什么,用户体验都应该相同。通过使您的着陆页响应迅速,您可以给他们每一个opportunity to view and convert, whether they’re on a desktop, phone, tablet, or otherwise.

Landing Page Copywriting Tips

一种fter design comes great copy. Your objective is to be compelling, instructive, likable, concise, effective, trustworthy and informative all at once.How?继续阅读。

1. Cover the main points.

No matter how you position it, there are a few main points that you need to hit with your copy. Those main points are your persona’s pain point, the solution to that pain point, how your solution works (features), how your solution will improve their situation (benefits), and verification that it works (social proof).

The majority of what you write needs to address how you can help your prospect, not how awesome you are (because that’s implied). Let’s go more in-depth on these points.

The Pain Point



The solution to their pain point is what you’re offering in exchange for their information. Illustrate a clear path between their problem and how your solution is the remedy they need.




您的副本应该对用户带来好处,因为这就是他们真正关心的东西 - 对他们来说是什么。而功能列表什么your offer has, benefits tell visitors如何结果,他们的情况将得到改善。它描绘了一个生动的图片,说明通过使用解决方案,他们的生活会更好。


Studies show thatsocial proof is effectivefor persuading people to take a desired action. Social proof comes in the form of logos of brands you’ve worked with, testimonials from previous clients, reviews of your product, or confirmation that others have purchased your service. In essence, people want to know that others are have used and benefited from your solution, too. By including social proof on your landing page, you're validating your offer without even saying anything.

social proof codecademy landing page


涉及每一个点会提供你with well-rounded copy that answers all of your visitors’ questions … which brings me to my next point.


一种key part of writing persuasive copy (copy that gets people to convert) is dismantling objections before they even come up. Now, this takes some skill … or at least some help from a friend.


在页面的每个部分(或要求公正的朋友提供帮助)进行此练习,直到您涵盖了您可能想到的所有可能的反对意见为止。当您从访问您的着陆页的人们那里得到问题时,请以此为反馈来进一步提高您的副本。更好的是,寻找constructive criticism从您的前几个转换线索开始,以确保您的着陆页满足所有需求。


假设您正在阅读销售页面,该公司写道:“我们的产品帮助了100个人,它也可能对您有用!raybet电子竞技”嗯。I’d probably pass and find a company that has a solution that candefinitely为我工作。您的目标是与您的访客建立信任,而这样做的方法就是作为权威。


  • 按照您的讲话方式写作,并以现场客户的身份来解决您的潜在客户。
  • Cite statistics that support your message.
  • 用用例研究突出与您的目标相似的客户。
  • 相关。通过承认失败,对您的怀疑和诚实,向您的听众展示您的人类。警告是,您只应该分享与他们的斗争有关的内容;不要只是泄露任何东西。

4. Use click triggers.

单击触发器are designed to eliminate that last bit of doubt before a visitor converts. You can think of them as lick Probability Enhancers (... yes, I made up that term). They are essentially copy positioned next to your CTA that pushes your prospect over the edge by easing their mind and mitigating the risk of converting.


  • 退款保证
  • 轻松退订
  • Quote from a successful or happy customer
  • 在“期待什么”
  • Price slashing
  • Privacy policy
  • 其他一些创意方法

landing page anatomy


Whatever you choose, click triggers will give your conversions the boost they need.

一种/B Testing Your Landing Page


You test it. That’s how. Split testing (or A/B testing) is probably nothing new to you as a marketer, andsplit testing your landing page只是添加到您的列表中的另一个实验。



A/B测试只是将您的流量拆分为一个页面的两个(或更多)变化,以查看哪些性能更​​好。虽然您可以通过一段时间内启动一个变体来手动执行此操作,然后在相同的时间内进行另一个变化雷竞技苹果下载官方版that allows you to split test and can track your results.

A/B测试的主要组件是variants,或页面的两个版本,champion, or the original page, and thechallenger, or the page that you modified to test against the original.



What should you test?


  • 标题副本
  • Image
  • CTA颜色
  • 单击触发器
  • Copy on the page
  • 铅形状长度和字段


Landing Page Metrics to Track



How many visits are you getting on your landing page? The more visits, the more you increase your probability of conversions. Try adjusting your paid strategy or redefining your keywords to drive more traffic to your page. You can also let your current followers know about your offer through emails, social media, and on your website.



Submission Rate





This is more of an observation of how people interact with your page as opposed to a metric. Heat mapping can show you where people scroll, what they read, and how they engage with your page. This is all useful data when thinking about your page layout and structure.



Form Abandonment

This metric tells you how many people start filling out your form but don’t complete it. If this number is particularly high, some adjustments to consider are introducing new click triggers, shortening your form, or making it more clear what you want your visitor to do.


You need to judge your landing page against industry norms and across a similar audience to know if it’s performing as expected. Check out some行业基准设定为您的基准,但不要被其他公司的业绩灰心。raybet电子竞技

No matter what’s going on, it’s possible todiagnose and heal your landing pages如果您注意指标。

How to Make Your Landing Pages More Effective

总有tweaks you can make to boost landing page performance。以下是一些很棒的技巧(如果我本人这么说),以使您的着陆页升级。


优化是一个令人困惑的词,不是吗?我的意思是,我们是在谈论图像,复制,关键字还是UI?答案是是的- 我们正在谈论所有内容。优化仅使您的着陆页最好的方法是最好的,其中可能包括无数的修改。如果您想知道您可以做的一切以优化着陆页,则需要一个相当广泛的指南。而且,猜猜是什么,我们有一个这里

Present areally好的报价。

你可以认为任何自由称得上是“good,” but that isn’t exactly true. Not only should your offer be free (we’re not talking sales pages here) but it also has to be good enough to warrant a stranger giving you their personal information. Let’s face it — there are a lot of companies competing for your audience’s attention, asking for their information and soliciting them via email. So, what’s going to make you stand out from the pack?一种n outstanding offer,就是这样。


  • Does my offer solve a pain point for my target audience?
  • 潜在客户可以从这个报价中获得明显好处吗?
  • 我的报价可以竞争竞争吗?

Decrease page load time.

单次延迟page load time意味着转化率少7%,页面视图减少了11%。缓慢的页面加载时间也会导致客户不满和沮丧。

不用说,着陆页加载时间是一个重视的指标。如果您需要一些提示,请检查一下resource on decreasing page load time

Keep the buyer’s journey in mind.

由于您将访问量带到着陆页,因此您应该清楚地了解访客在买家的旅程中的位置。这意味着您会知道他们是试图诊断问题(意识),寻找解决问题的解决方案(考虑)还是准备结束(决定)。如果您想转换,您的副本和要约应反映这一点。与其他任何营销材料没有什么不同 -认识您的访客

Create a seamless experience.


Create a clear path to conversion.

导航您的着陆页不应涉及猜测。一旦有人到达您的页面,应该很清楚您要他们做什么 - 将其信息提交给您的潜在客户表格。您的目标是使用Creative引导访问者参观您的表格directional cues


  • 选择一个凝视着您形式的人或指向形式的人的图像
  • Make your CTA a contrasting color to draw attention to it
  • 使用该点指向您的潜在客户表格的箭头
  • 单击时插入将人们带回表格的锚文字
  • Give your CTA some负空间on the page
  • Frame your lead form with a bold color or outline

一种dd scarcity to your offer.

Few emotional marketing tactics work as well as fear … and the fear of missing out (more formally known as FOMO). Consumers don’t like to lose their ability to choose, and once you make it clear that your offer is in high demand and/or short supply, they’re going to clamber to get it. (Here’sa cool study on cookie jars如果您想对稀缺营销的心理学进行嘲笑。)




视频营销is becoming increasingly popular for good reason. Not only do客户喜欢看视频来自公司,但88%的视频营销人员说视频给了他们积极的投资回报率。关键是创建一个effective videothat doesn’t distract visitors from your ultimate goal: the call-to-action.


Video ...

  • 提高转化率
  • 是分享信息并与潜在客户建立联系的更有风度的方法
  • 可能比图像更具吸引力,并且会吸引访问者习惯点击(和转换)
  • 减少数字您收到的支持电话或门票
  • 已处理60,000 times比文字快



What to Do Post-Conversion: Lead Nurturing

So, you have an optimized landing page that converts like a charm. Now what? You don’t want to leave those leads hanging. Instead, you want to nurture them into becoming customers, then nurture them some more. Here’s how.


I hope you’re not tired of optimizing yet. Your thank you page is the first thing someone sees after they convert, so it serves as a great让您的新主角感到高兴的机会甚至比您已经拥有的更多。您的目标是双重的:交付您承诺的报价,并使他们对您网站上的其他内容感兴趣。


  • 感谢您的新潜在客户(Go Gie)
  • Provide links to relevant content on your site
  • Invite your lead to follow you on social media
  • 询问您的领导以订阅您的博客
  • 一种utomate a follow-up email with the offer


Your new lead is going to make their way to the decision stage with or without you. You want to be the one to help them get there. You’ve gathered some valuable information about your lead, which means you can anticipate what they need next. Provide content or resources to bring them to the subsequent stage of their journey, and you just might be their option for the decision stage. After all, we know that prospects buy from companies that they know, like, and trust.

Form a relationship.

Once someone signs up to receive information from you, they become a potential customer with whom you should work hard to build a relationship and connection. The good thing is you already know what they’re interested in and what their pain points are, so you can target them with additional, helpful content and personalized marketing.

If you’re still stuck, get some inspiration from some of the best landing pages we could find.



一种s long as you’re following the best practices we covered above, you’ll be on your way to a high-performing landing page ... and if you need some additional guidance,我们一直在这里作为资源

Editor's note: This post was originally published in August 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

New Call-to-action

New Call-to-action

最初发布于2020年11月11日7:00:00 AM,更新于2021年4月16日


着陆页 Free Landing Page Builder