今天的销售人员 - 尤其是B2B和基于帐户的销售人员— need to know more about their prospects before conducting outreach. And, chances are, they'll need to know someone other than the decision maker pretty well.

In days of old, salespeople could call the C-suite, marketing could email them, and it was much easier to gain access to the decision maker. Now, C-suites can isolate themselves with caller ID, email filters, and assistants. Salespeople can't ignore the influencer or "call above" them. But how do you spot an influencer from a stop-gap or achampion来自阻滞剂?一旦您确定了这些人,您将如何吸引这些人?

这里有几种方法来确定您与之交谈的潜在客户。他们会帮助您进行销售或在不知不觉中阻止您与合适的人交谈吗?时间 - 这些技巧 - 将帮助您发现答案。



The gatekeeper

The gatekeeper is usually an executive assistant or associate to the decision maker. If the gatekeeper is an executive assistant, you should know immediately by their title. If they don't hold the title but are working in an assistant's capacity, ask questions like, "您是否与[执行名称]紧密合作?“ 或者, ”您戴了很多帽子,如何优先考虑一天?

几个小时后,当您知道他们的助手不存在时,可能很容易致电决策者。这对于建立初始联系是可以的,但是避免在他们的看门人身上工作 - 他们通常是决策者的重要合作伙伴。在某些情况下,工作是有益的withthe gatekeeper so you can build trust with them and have them vouch for you with the decision-maker.




1. Ask meaningful questions

A gatekeeper can be a valuable ally. By talking directly to the individual instead of immediately asking to be passed off to leadership and expressing genuine interest in getting to know their organization and challenges, you can gain valuable insight that can help you make the sale down the line.


  • “我看到您的公司正在准备raybet电子竞技推出XYZ产品。这种经历如何?”
  • “您的组织在启动XYZ时面临哪些挑战?”
  • “我的一个以前的客户遇到了类似的挑战。我很高兴与您讨论对他们有用的解决方案。”

Before speaking to the contact, do your research to learn more about their role at the company (LinkedIn is a great place to start). This will give you some background on who they are and how they work with the decision-maker you are trying to reach.

The gatekeeper is likely aware of their boss' pain points, and your solution might also benefit them. Talk to them as you would the decision-maker, and ask their advice on the best way to approach their manager when it's time.

2. Connect on social media

Social selling techniquesshouldn’t only be directed at decision-makers. Gatekeepers can be valuable social media connections as well. Research who the gatekeepers are supporting the decision-makers you would like to get in touch with and engage with their content.


Creating a sense of familiarity with them goes a long way in building trust and working with them to close a sale.






找出答案您的影响者真正拥有多少力量, ask questions like, "你以前做过吗?“”您是否有信心决策者会遵循您的建议?“ 和 ”您的团队中是否有人会劫持我们的对话?

The answers to these questions tell you how experienced your influencer is in presenting product/service solutions to the decision maker, and it signals how much help you'll need to offer throughout the process.



Often, the decision maker delegates the sales process to an influencer until it's further along. In this case, work with the influencer, but keep the CEO in the loop. Show you're happy to work with their team, but regularly check in with them.

Access to unlimited content has put the buyer in control of the sales process. Your account-based sales strategy needs to adjust to fit the changing behavior with your prospects, and有影响力的人现在必须赢得业务。如果你忽视它们,missing an opportunity.

The Influencer vs. the Decision Maker

影响者is usually a junior employee asked to research solutions for their department or company. Influencers don't have budget or authority to make a final decision, but they can impact the outcome




  • 经理
  • 管理人员
  • Director
  • Managing Director
  • 副总裁(副总裁)


自称决策者是有毒的前景。如果他们提供的未经请求的信息,例如”I make X amount of money“,”我在这里携带很多重量,“ 或者 ”首席执行官和我是伙伴,“chances are, this person has little influence and might be wasting your time.

Whether it's intentional or not, they're gating you from the rest of the internal purchasing process. Pay attention to those volunteering too much information about their authority.







这里重要的是要辨别何时该离开公司,以及什么时候该简单地在那里找到新的潜在客户。raybet电子竞技如果您认为您正在与Blocker交谈,并且业务中的其他人应该听到您要说的话 - 进行研究。

Track the company's hiring on LinkedIn to see when someone on a relevant team starts. Then, reach out to them to see if they'd be interested in hearing about your solution. Strike up a relationship with an executive and use that as leverage to engage someone new at the company.

或只是使用LinkedIn来追踪团队中的其他人并说:“I've been speaking with a colleague of yours about your need to lower export costs on overseas shipments. It seems like you might be the more appropriate person to speak with. Do you have a few minutes this week to jump on a call?


要了解更多信息,请查看keys to selling the Fortune 500 companies下一个。

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