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Today, most marketing teams are focused on driving traffic toward websites in hopes that this traffic then converts into qualified leads for sale reps to close. The cycle continues and business grows.

Although this is an oversimplified look at the standard marketing playbook, it's relevant to most businesses and marketing teams.

But there's something missing — a tactic that few marketing teams focus on, yet one that propels the companies that do toward long-term, sustainable success and growth: Getting more out of现存的流量和线索(与全新的流量相比)。


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What is a conversion rate?

A conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action (in other words, convert). For instance, a desired action may be completing a web form, signing up for a service, or purchasing a product.



优化转化的过程使您可以增加高度合格的潜在客户,增加收入,降低收购成本,从当前的潜在客户和客户中获得更高的价值,并且简单地,grow better


How Websites Benefit From CRO

Here are four areas of your website that have the potential to largely benefit from conversion rate optimization.


家pages are prime candidates for CRO. In addition to making a first impression on visitors, the homepage is also an opportunity to retain those visitors and guide them further into your website.

You can do this by emphasizing links to product information, offering a free signup button, or even incorporating achatbotthat solicits questions from visitors at any point during their browsing experience.



3. Blog





Now that you know where you can optimize for conversions, you may be wondering how you know when your business is ready to start the process.

When is CRO right for your business?


With the process of conversion rate optimization, you'll get more out of your现存的网站流量在确保您定位的同时合格的铅。

Although this is a straightforward concept, setting a conversion goal isn't as easy as saying, "This page converted 50 people this month, so we want to convert 100 people next month."

You don't just want 50 more conversions from a webpage. Instead, you want 50 more conversions for every X amount of people who visit it. (This is your conversion rate — thepercentageof people who convert on your website based on how many people have touched it).

提供一个更好的理解你sta的地方nd at any point in time in regards to conversion rate, here arethree commonly-used formulasyour business can use to understand, analyze, and improve.



引线生成÷网站流量x 100 =转换率%






Number of New Customers ÷ Lead-to-Customer Close Rate % = Lead Goal


If your website has 10,000 visitors per month that generate 100 leads — and subsequently, 10 customers each month — the website visitor-to-lead conversion rate would be 1%.


You could try to get 20,000 visitors to your website and hope that the quality of your traffic doesn't decrease — although, that's a risk you'll likely want to avoid. Rather, you couldobtain more leads from your现存的通过优化转换率来流量。This is less risky and is more likely to produce better results for your bottom line.

For instance,if you increase your conversion rate from 1% to 2%, you'd double your leads and your customers。下表是证明这一点 - 您可以看到增加网站转换率的积极影响:

raybet电子竞技 a B c
每月的现场流量 10,000 10,000 10,000
兑换率 1% 2% 3%
Leads Generated 100 200 300
New Customers 10 20 30

注意剧烈的increases in number of leads generated and net new customers when you boost your conversion rate

不仅如此,而且很明显产生更多网站流量isn'tnecessarily the right approach试图提高转化率时— in fact, this chart shows you that you can grow your business substantially without increasing traffic at all.

Hard to believe? Think about this way: Pretend you were trying to fill up a leaky bucket. If you pour more water into the bucket, you won't fix the root cause of the issue — instead, you'll end up with a lot of water that's wasted (not to mention, a bucket that will never fill up all the way).



Here are some applicable conversion rate optimization marketing strategies to test and implement at your company.

1. Create text-based CTAs within blog posts.


Banner blindnessis a real phenomenon related to people becoming accustomed to ignoring banner-like information on websites. This lack of attention coupled with the fact site visitors don't always read all the way to the bottom of a blog post (rather, they "snack” on content), means a different approach is required.

这就是基于文本的CTA派上用场的地方。在Hubspot,我们跑了test with text-based CTAs- 独立的文本线链接到着陆页并将其设计为H3或H4,以查看它们是否将更多的流量转换为潜在客户,而不是位于网页底部的常规CTA。

In HubSpot's limited test of 10 blog posts, regular end-of-post banner CTAs contributed an average of just 6% of leads that the blog posts generated, whereas up to 93% of a post's leads came from the anchor-text CTA alone.


A铅流is another conversion rate optimization element you can include on your site.Lead flowsare high-converting pop-ups designed to attract attention and offer value.

您可以根据您的报价从滑入式盒子,下拉横幅或弹出箱中进行选择。我们在HubSpot博客上尝试了Slide-in Box,它的点击率比在博客文章底部的常规CTA提高了192%,提交率高于27%。

3. Run tests on your landing pages.


That's because a landing page is where a website visitor becomes a lead or an existing lead engages more deeply with your brand. To optimize a landing page, runA/B测试为观众确定您的最佳设计和内容功能。

例如,A/B testingyou can quickly and easily test different versions of your website copy, content offers, images, form questions, andweb pages确定您的目标受众和领导者对最佳反应。

Get everything you need to start effectively A/B Testing your website today.

4. Help leads to immediately become a marketing-qualified lead.


您应该鼓励采取特定的行动营销合格的潜在客户(MQLS)- 他们可以通过精心设计的网页,引人注目和清晰的副本以及智能CTA

例如,在HubSpot,我们发现,与注册免费产品试验的访客相比,以更高的访问者的价格注册产品演示的访客。因此,我们优化了我们的网站,转换路径for people booking demos or meetings with a sales rep.



There are a number ofautomated workflows您可以在借助marketing automation software

For example, withmarketing automation, it's possible to sendautomatic emails with workflows。然后,铅可以与代表进行一次单击预订会议。同时,当潜在客户采取高意见措施(例如查看网站上的定价页面)时,代表会收到通知。或者,如果您在电子商务工作,则可以向放弃购物车的人发送电子邮件。


Use实时聊天软件雷竞技苹果下载官方版to chat with your website visitors in real-time and offer support and guidance as needed. To increase conversions, add these messaging features to your high-performing web pages — such as your pricing and product pages — so leads get the information they want in real-time.

You can also make your messaging and chat bots action-based. For example, if someone has spent more than a minute on the page, you may want to automatically offer to help and answer any questions they may have (again, a实时聊天工具,像Hubspot一样,使它变得容易)。


Again, publishing blog articles opens the door to a big opportunity for conversions. Even more so if you already have existing blog content on your site — in fact, at HubSpot, the majority of our monthly blog views and leads come from posts published over a month ago.

To get startedoptimizing your blog content,确定您的网络流量最高但转换率较低的帖子。(此问题的可能原因可能与SEO, the content offer you are promoting, or your CTA.)

在一个实例中,我们在HubSpot添加了inbound press release template offerto a blog post about press releases — as a result, we saw conversions for that post increase by 240%.

Additionally, look at your blog posts with high conversion rates. You want to drive more qualified website traffic to those posts and you can do so by optimizing the content for the search engine results page (SERP) orupdating it as neededto ensure it's fresh and relevant.


It doesn't matter what your key conversion metric is: The cold, hard truth is that most people on your website don't take the action you want them to. By leveraging重新定位, 你可以re-engage people谁离开了您的网站。

Retargeting works by tracking visitors to your website and serving them online ads as they visit other sites around the web. This is particularly impactful when you retarget people who visited your highest-converting web pages.

普通的入站规则仍然适用 - 您需要精心制作的副本,引人入胜的视觉效果以及引人注目的报价来进行重新定位。

(If you're a HubSpot customer, take a look at how theAdRoll integration可以改善您的转化工作。)




进入:派框架。Before starting a CRO project, prioritize your efforts by ranking each element onPotential, Importance,Ease

使用饼框架来回答下列问题tions for every strategy outlined in the previous section. Then,assign a score between one and 10 (one being the lowest and 10 being the highest) to each strategy

  • How much total improvement can this project offer?
  • How valuable will this improvement be?
  • 实施这一改进将有多复杂或困难?

分配了每种策略的分数后,将数字加起来并将总数除以三— this gives a score that shows what project will have the greatest impact. Then, work on the projects with the highest scores first.

The PIE framework isn't perfect, but it's easy to understand, systematic, and offers a starting point for CRO collaboration and communication among colleagues.


在CRO方面,有许多“最佳实践”,但最终,您需要找出什么yourcustomers respond to, and what drives results foryour商业。

Keep these three follow-up actions in mind when getting started with CRO today:

  • 使用三个公式开始CRO对话。
  • 尝试CRO策略,以发现对您的业务有用的方法。
  • Leverage the PIE framework to help prioritize your strategy.


Get the 8-Week CRO Planner


Originally published Apr 29, 2020 12:20:00 PM, updated September 08 2020

