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Imagine you were asked to speak at an event. How would you prepare?


Unless you’re a master of improv, you’ll likely create an outline if you want your audience to gain value from your talk.

Similar to a good speech, your B2B sales efforts also need a bit of structure or process.

有效的销售流程可以提高转化措施,将更多的潜在客户变成封闭的交易,并确保您的所有代表为客户提供积极,一致的体验 - 无论他们与谁交谈。

However, many销售经理struggle with building scalable sales processes that bring in repeat business consistently.


That’s why we've created this guide to help you find the best tactics for building a sales process tailored to your business.


You can think of a sales process as a map that guides your sales team on their journey to turn potential leads into customers. Without the map, your marketing team's lead generation efforts would quickly go to waste.


Where-to-get-tips-for-sales-improvement“></p><p>You also make more money when you build a proper sales process. When you provide your sales team with a common framework, they have a more efficient roadmap to closing deals than without.</p><p>Now that you know what a sales process is and why you should create one, let's consider the stages or steps that a typical sales process follows.</p><a id=

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1. Prospect.

Prospecting is the process of sourcing new, early-stage leads to begin working through the sales process. It's a vital part of the sales process and part of most reps' daily or weekly workflow.

Prospecting might involve online research on sites likeLinkedInorQuora。它也可能发生在会议或行业活动。此外,您可以通过要求当前的客户或同事推荐可能对您的产品或服务感兴趣的个人进行前景。

2. Connect and qualify leads.

这connect step of the sales process involves reps initiating contact with those early-stage leads to gather information. The second part of this step is qualifying new leads — deciding whether or not they're a good-fit lead for your business and whether or not they'll likely move forward in the buyer's journey.

代表通常可以通过“连接”或“ Discovery”调用(有时是通过电话通过电话)来识别合格的潜在客户asking qualifying questionslike:

  • “What is your role within your company?"
  • “What do you do day-to-day?"
  • “What problem are you trying to solve?"
  • “Why is this a priority for your business?"
  • “What other solutions are you evaluating?"

3. Research the company.

Next comes the research step, when reps learn more about each prospect and company.

Research helps your reps put themselves in the customer's shoes to offer a more tailored and personalized experience, thus improving the likelihood of closing a deal.

这crucial part of this stage is understanding each prospect's challenges and needs and establishing the solution your product or service can provide.

You might need your rep to speak with other people at the company in different departments to get a holistic view of the business and its objectives. A good salesperson is expected to understand the company better than the individual prospect who works there.


这presentation step is typically when your salesperson runs a formalproduct or service demonstration为您的前景。

This step is time-consuming, so it typically comes later in the sales process and is reserved for more qualified prospects — which is why the connecting and qualifying step is so critical. You don't want a sales rep wasting any of their valuable time if it's avoidable.

Tailor each presentation to meet the specific prospect's unique use case and pain points. Additionally, a rep might bring an engineer or executive to the meeting with them to demonstrate the level of service the customer will receive when doing business with your company. This also allows them to answer more technical questions the rep might not be best suited to answer.

5. Handle objections.

It's没有少见的潜在客户反对意见销售人员的演讲和建议。实际上,这是预期的 - 这就是为什么这是销售过程中的特定步骤。您的销售团队应该准备handle any and all objections


6. Close the deal.

This step of the sales process refers to any late-stage activities that happen as a deal approaches closing. It varies widely from company to company and may include delivering a quote or proposal, negotiation, or achieving the buy-in of decision-makers.

Closing a sale what every salesperson wants to achieve. It should result in a mutually beneficial, contractual agreement between the prospect and the seller. Once a deal closes, the salesperson receives a commission on the price they negotiated with the customer, and the account usually passes to an account manager or customer success representative.



销售过程的最后一步还包括continuing to communicate and reinforce value to customers. This can provide opportunities toupsell and cross-sellas well as secure referrals from delighted customers.

Next, let's unpack how you can improve this process.


1. Analyze your current sales process.

Consider what is and isn't working for your sales reps to tailor your new process to fit their needs better, as it will help close more deals and delight more customers.

One way to analyze the success of your current sales process is to observe reps as they work through the sales process.

Look back at the last five or 10 deals you closed. What did these deals look like from beginning to end? What were the touchpoints with the customer?

Consider roughly how long the entire process took and how much time elapsed between each step. The more examples you have (and the more people on your team those examples come from), the better.



  • One week of deliberation before a signed contract (during the "closing" step)
  • 三到五个后续电子邮件和电话(在“处理异议”步骤中)
  • 一个演示(在“呈现”步骤中)
  • 一个电话和两到三封电子邮件(在“研究”步骤中)
  • One discovery call (during the "connecting" step)
  • Two warm emails and three phone calls to prospect (during the "prospecting" step)

You can also dig a bit deeper to understand the subtle motivations and pain points that drove each deal to close.

2. Outline the buyer’s journey for your target persona.

概述买家的旅程对于您的目标受众或您的buyer personas。This will allow you to look at your sales process from the perspective of your customers. You'll be able to get a better understanding of the interactions they have with your reps, the pain points they experience, and why they need your product or service.


特色资源:Buyer Persona Templates

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3. Define the prospect action that moves them to the next stage.

You should understand what causes a prospect to move from one stage to the next in your sales process. Ideally, the reason or cause will be based on the prospect's actions, not the perception of the sales rep.


    • 而进行温暖的外展,却代表了一个specific pain point(s) that motivated the prospect to schedule a discovery call?
    • During the demo, were there objections that stalled the deal or featured that moved it forward?
  • “When a rep made a pitch, was the answer an immediate ‘yes’ from the customer? If so, consider carefully why that happened. How did they build up to the pitch?"

4. Define exit criteria for each step of the sales process.

Define theexit criteriafor each step of the sales process for your team. This means you should identify the things that need to happen for your prospects to move from one step of your sales process to the next. You can refer to the sales process steps and the buyer's journey (as mentioned above) to get started with this.

For example, suppose you're working through the "presenting" step. In that case, your reps might determine they need a specific type of content — such as customer testimonial videos — to share with your prospects to move them to "closing."

When determining exit criteria for each step of the sales process, consider the following questions to ensure all of your reps have the same information. That way, they’ll provide all of your prospects with positive, professional, and on-brand information.

  • 在与潜在客户联系之前,代表应该了解哪些信息有关您的品牌,他们的销售以及您的销售过程步骤?
  • 您的代表在整个销售过程的每个步骤中都应采取什么行动?
  • What should your reps say throughout each step of the sales process? Make sure your reps are aware of the multiple ways a conversation could potentially go and that they know how to manage all of them.
  • What specific types of content should your reps show your prospects during different steps of the sales process? This is especially important in the "presenting" stage, where your reps might need to provide your prospects with videos, blogs, testimonials, or case studies to move that prospect to close.



For example, note how many prospects transitioned in and out of each step of the sales process over a given period.

This way, you can conclude, “In July, we started with 75 prospects in the ‘awaiting demo’ step ... at the end of the month, we had moved through 28 prospects and added 19, leaving us with 66 prospects in the ‘awaiting demo’ step。“


  • 这average time prospects stay in each step
  • 潜在客户需要花费太长时间的步骤(如果有)搬出
  • 演示后关闭的前景百分比
  • 这percentage of prospects who request a demo after a discovery call
  • churn rate(i.e., if certain customers are churning quickly, how can you use this data to identify mismatched prospects early in the sales process?)

这se are the basic metrics most teams find value in measuring. Give some thought to metrics specific to your business that will help you define success or the need for improvement in a particular step.

通过免费的HubSpot Academy课程如何绘制销售流程,了解如何通过免费的HubSpot Academy课程创建一个强大的以买方为中心的销售流程。


Level 1: Humming

Your sales process is humming when 80% or more of your reps are hitting their quota every month. This is also when all of your new hires are being ramped up quickly to target performance, and your team isn't providing you with any negative feedback about the sales process.

Level 2: Experimenting

实验是您的销售过程不是quitehumming, so your team is experimenting and testing different tactics to determine what's most effective.

For example, a team might be experimenting with different modes of contact in the "connecting" step of the sales process to get sales discussions going with prospects. They can test whether or not their prospects respond best to a specific email template when starting a discussion with a rep.

Step 3: Thrashing

Thrashing is when a team is rapidly moving from one solution to another within a specific sales process. Thrashing is ineffective and something you'll want to ensure your team gets out of as quickly as possible if you're ever experiencing it.


Remember, your sales process is never perfect, but it should constantly be evolving to fit the needs of your team, business, and prospects.

Now if you have a sales process already, but haven’t mapped it out yet, here’s where to start.

Mapping your sales process is the practice of walking through each step in real-time and understanding how it applies to your business, sales team, and customers.


When you map your sales process, you answer the "why" behind every decision you make — which is critical because your sales process is the foundation of everything your team does. Let's walk through how to map the sales process using a fictional business example.

推荐资源:Free Sales Plan Template


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1. Start at the end.


Example:Fred's Vegan Food Supply is mapping its sales process. They've set their destination "goal" to increase theirwin rateby 5% next quarter.

2. Bring all stakeholders aboard.

Your sales team can't meet their goal alone. Other departments across your organization — including marketing, product, customer service, IT, and more — have a stake in your sales process and impact your customer experience. Gather these stakeholders, share your goal, and involve them in your process.

Example:Fred brings together his sales team, marketing managers, customer service leaders, product designers, and distributors. These teams touch potential and current customers and can, therefore, affect the sales team's win rate.

3. Outline the sales process steps.

We covered the sales process steps above, and now it's time to walk through each step as it pertains to your business, products, and sales team. Take a look at your sales process history. What steps were effective, and where did prospects fall off?



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4. Map the buyer's journey.

Next, take a look at your sales process from the customer's perspective. On the same document, jot down your customers' actions and reactions to your sales process. Keep your buyer personas handy to ensure your team stays customer-centric.

Example:让我们回到弗雷德。他的销售团队现在地图买家的旅程within their established sales process. By aligning these actions, the team can identify where their team is experiencing inefficiencies, what steps are working well, and where they need to improve to meet their goal.

sales process mapping buyers journey“width=

5. Implement changes, test, and measure.


Example:Let’s check in on Fred, who puts his new sales process into action with his team. They walk through each stage and the appropriate actions, and they pay close attention to how their customers react. As they move through each step and towards their new goal, they tweak the parts of their process that aren't working so smoothly.

Since we’ve covered the details of creating and mapping your sales process, let's review the answer to a common question: What's the difference between a sales process and a sales methodology?

销售量Process vs. Sales Methodology

Understanding the distinction between a sales process and sales methodology is essential. Although closely related, a sales process and sales methodology are two very different things.

As we reviewed above, a sales process is a concrete set of actions your sales team follows to close a new customer.


Here's a diagram to help you visualize this:




Choosing asales methodology在您的团队接近您的销售流程时为团队设定基础。您可以选择合并一个,因为它们是简化客户买家旅程并确保这些客户与销售团队之间的专业,有影响力和有益的互动的另一种方式。


1. Challenger Sales Methodology

Challenger Sales methodis an approach to sales that says the seller, or Challenger, must teach the prospect. Sellers learn about a customer's business, tailor their selling techniques to their needs and pain points, and challenge any of their preconceptions throughout the process.




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这Sandler Selling Systemsays the buyer and seller are equally invested in the sales process. Good sales managers train their reps to address customer objections early to save valuable time for both parties. And the buyer is almost convincing the seller to make the sale.


Consultative selling强调销售人员成为客户的值得信赖的顾问,随着时间的流逝而获得了权威和信任。当销售与客户的购买经验保持一致时,就会发生咨询销售。换句话说,客户销售关系定义了销售。

5. Inbound Selling

inbound sales approachis characterized by attracting buyers with tailored and relevant content rather than advertising irrelevant messages and hoping they'll buy.



With so many choices in today's marketplace, sales teams need to put the needs of their buyers ahead of their own.

inbound approach came from the belief that

  • 现在,买家可以在与销售人员互动之前找到有关公司产品或服务所需的大多数信息(在线或其他地方)。raybet电子竞技
  • Buyers have become better at blocking out cold and interruptive sales techniques (cold calls and irrelevant sales emails, for example).
  • Buyers have heightened expectations around the experience of buying. They can control the experience and move through the process primarily on their timeline.

这se shifts in buying trends are examples of how buyers have seized control of the sales process from the sales reps who once held all the power.

考虑到这些变化,对于销售团队来说,采用更有帮助,人类的销售方式很重要 - 或inbound selling


Let's take a look at some common mistakes made when developing sales processes. These will help you create a sales process ideal for both your team and customers.


It’s essential to define specific, concrete actions that move your business's prospects from one stage to the next. If you don't identify these triggers, your sales team might come away with a less than accurate understanding of what is and isn't working for prospects, potentially causing them to mishandle part of the process.

Once you define your sales process, document, share, and practice it with your team. Role-play exercises to drive home the valuable techniques your team should take away from each step.

2. Expecting one Sales Methodology (if you use one) to be the "Silver Bullet"




3. Forgetting Your Sales Process WillAlways进行






Follow these steps to create and map a sales process tailored to your business, sales team, and customers to begin boosting conversions and building lasting relationships today.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in November 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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